abbiamo avuto notizia di un importante convegno che si è tenuto la scorsa settimana a Birmigham. Anche se non riguarda i temi della Linea Gotica, ma vista la lunga amicizia che ci unisce riteniamo oppportuno darne notizia.

Maison Française d’Oxford in collaboration with
the Centre for Second World War Studies (University of Birmingham)
Friday, 7 May 2010, Maison française d’Oxford
2.00 pm: Welcome by Luc BOROT, Directeur de la Maison Française d’Oxford and Steffen PRAUSER, Director of the Centre for Second World War Studies, University of Birmingham
Un ‘refus absurde’? La Résistance en 1940/41
Chair: Robert GILDEA, University of Oxford
Olivier WIEVIORKA, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan What expectations for which Resistance? 1940-1942.
Bénédicte VERGEZ-CHAIGNON, Paris
When legality means conspiracy: paradoxical resistance in Vichy, 1940-1941.
Coffee break
Philippe BUTON, Université de Reims
The French Communist Party 1940/41 – between Collaboration and Resistance.
Julian JACKSON, Queen Mary, University of London
Writing resistance history: the case of Daniel Cordier.
Saturday, 8 May 2010, Maison Française d’Oxford
9.30am: Different shades of grey. Occupation and Collaboration
Chair: Olivier WIEVIORKA, Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan
Stefan MARTENS, Directeur adjoint, German Historical Institut Paris and Steffen PRAUSER, Centre for Second World War Studies, University of Birmingham
‘Judentum, Kollaboration und Gaullisten’ – the Nazi-German perspectives and expectations 1940/41
Martyn CORNICK, Centre for Second World War Studies, University of Birmingham
Mobilising for war again. The Nouvelle Revue française, 1938-1940.
Anne SIMONIN, IRICE (CNRS, Université de Paris I et de Paris IV)
Collaboration in 1940: shades and meanings of a concept.
Panel discussion
Chair: Robert GILDEA, University of Oxford
Summing-up: Luc BOROT, Directeur de la Maison française d’Oxford
1.30 pm: Lunch
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