lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

E' iniziato il nuovo progetto Europeo "Sharing European Memories at School" (SEM@S)

E' iniziato il progetto "Sharing European Memories at School" SEM@S

L'obettivo del progetto è:

To develop a teaching methodology enabling teachers to include a topic related to the Historical Memory in schools, facilitating its insertion in the scholar curricula and having as objective the elaboration of a final team work to be developed by students in an attractive support.

Spagna: Rosa Martínez e Mikel Errazkin (ARANZADI) - Italia: Federica Ragazzi e Massimo Turchi (FUTURA) - Norvegia: Eystein Ellingsen, Bjorn Tore Rosendhal e Jens Anders Rivesand (ARKIVET) - Polonia: Arek Marciniak (ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY) - Slovenia: Aljosa Grilc e Dita Uhr (PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KRANJ) - Inghilterra: Emma King e Tracy Craggs (ROYAL ARMOURIES)

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